Software systems available for residential aged care. - Residential Aged Care Software


Davarck Organisation
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GSO Care is a collaboration of three partner companies who seek to make a difference in aged care.  GSO Care state that GSO Care Aged Care Software was developed with three primary goals - increase profitability, give carers more time to care and put bigger smiles on residents' faces.

Aged Care providers should seriously consider GSO Care Aged Care Software for the delivery of best practice aged care, ensuring individual resident choices and directives, and maintaining profitability in residential aged care, all achievable, GSO Care states, through the use of event centric intelligent automation.
Visit The GSO Care web site or click on any of the links below for specific information.

GSO Care also has a consultancy arm.

A team of highly experienced and dedicated aged care professionals working with providers to implement and comply with the new aged care standards, develop workforce resilience and deliver service excellence.

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Guarde Software Pty Ltd is an equity partner in GSO Care Pty Ltd, and provides management and design expertise with the GSO Care Aged Care Software development project.
Time Out IT Pty Ltd is an equity partner in GSO Care Pty Ltd, and provides development and design expertise with the GSO Care Aged Care Software development project.

A dear friend of ours, Ms Lisa Testart, has written a book regarding her journey through domestic violence.

The book is titled,

"The Monster I Loved - Diary Of A Predator"

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